Child Sponsorship

U581-Lucky-Nelson-Nov-6-2019-4 years
U580-Isaac-Aug 21-2020-3-years
U576-Rayani-March 7-2017-7-years
U575-Daff-Dec 2-2018-5-years

The Furaha Africa Relief Association (FARA) Child Sponsorship Program promotes and encourages activities that are in harmony with and in obedience to the teachings and spirit of the New Testament. 1 John 4:21 says, “And He, Christ, has given us this command: whoever loves God must also love his brother.” In Zechariah 7: 9 - 10 we read,"Thus says the Lord of hosts, “Render true judgments, show kindness and mercy to one another, do not oppress the widow, the fatherless, the sojourner, or the poor, and let none of you devise evil against another in your heart.”

The Program was initiated and continues to operate in response and obedience to these teachings to address the great need of the children and families in Uganda, South Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

As of January 1, 2022, you can have a lasting impact on a child’s life in East Africa for $36/month. Through your generosity, you support the education as well as the basic needs (medical and food) of a child or young adult. In addition to financial and material support, FARA endeavors to provide spiritual aid to children in the East African countries of Uganda, South Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

By supporting these basic needs, you are supporting their future generations. Sponsors give children the opportunity to achieve their vocational dreams and to become leaders in their communities.

Through your sponsorship of $36 a month, you can support a child in achieving a future filled with hope.

FARA is currently providing sponsorship for over 250 children. There are more that have been identified and approved for entry into our programs. They are waiting for someone to sponsor them. Scroll through their photos on this page.

For further detail check out the responses on the FAQ page.

To sponsor a child complete the application form here.


Child Correspondence is an important aspect of the Furaha Africa Relief Association (FARA) Child Sponsorship Program. Knowing that someone across the world is supporting you, praying for you and sharing their story with you is incredibly meaningful to our sponsorship children and equally to their sponsors. We encourage our sponsors and children to write to each other throughout the year. You can write sponsor child through the following ways: