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FARA Projects

Below is a list of projects of Furaha Africa Relief Association. Make a note of the project number of the project(s) you want to support and include it with your donation.



Child Sponsorship - provide funds so children and youth can achieve an adequate education to survive and enhance their opportunities to become self-sustaining and contribute to the improved benefit of their families, communities and country.

  • 110 - Child Support program  - provide funds so children and youth can achieve an adequate education to survive and enhance their opportunities to become self-sustaining and contribute to the improved benefit of their families, communities and country. $36/MONTH; $432/YEAR
  • 110.2 - Child Support Supplement - supports the needs in the sponsorship program that are not met by the regular program support.

  • 110.3 - Annual Gifts for Children - donations used to provide an age appropriate year-end gift

  • 121 - School Support/Supplies - supplies educational materials to help the schools.

  • 140  - Vocational Training Courses



Water Well Refugee Camp200 Relief Projects: Furaha Africa Relief Association (FARA) endeavours to support the needs of the communities that we partner with through established projects. We work closely with our Agent in Africa to understand local priorities and needs. The Projects we support must also align with our organization's mission and objectives. Projects we are focused on are:

  • 210 Micro-business projects - to relieve poverty for families in need in developing nations by providing items such as farm animals, farming tools and sewing machines.

    • 211 General Micro-business projects - Get a family started with some seeds.

    • 212 Animal Micro-business projects - Help a family raise chickens, goats, pigs, rabits, or a goose.

    • 213 Farm Micro-business projects - Give a farmer some basic tools like a hoe or a spray pump.

    • 214 Equipment Micro-business projects

  • 220 Food/Clothing and Health Care Relief Projects - to relieve poverty for individuals and families in developing nations by providing food, basic necessities, and financial assistance for health care.

    • 221 General Relief - Provides help with things like a matress, a solar light, a food hamper "a bucket of love"

    • 223 Disaster Relief - We respond as we are able when disaster strikes.



To advance Christianity through faith-based teaching, training and seminars. Through this, we endeavour to relieve poverty by providing financial assistance for transportation to attend these sessions and seminars to those in need and provide bibles to individuals and families in need.

  • 331 Christian Worship Materials

  • 332 Theological Education by Extension (TEE) Program

  • 333 Core Discipleship Course



  • 410 Mission Visitation Travel Expenses

  • 430 Mission Visit Project



  • 500 General Fund - Donations given to the general work of the charity that will be used
    as it decides for its approved projects and administration costs.
Ways to Donate to a project:







"Funds designated for an approved and specified project, ministry or program will be used for that project, ministry or program. However, when any such project, ministry or program need has been adequately met, or where such project, ministry or program cannot reasonably be carried out in a timely manner, the donor agrees that such designated funds may be used as and where needed by Furaha Africa Relief Association (FARA). Redistribution of the funds will be approved by the FARA Board of Directors."


We rely on the ongoing interest, passion and support of our donors and partners
to make these projects a reality.